Tag Archives: Family


Facebook (Photo credit: stoneysteiner)

Check out our FundRazr on Facebook.  Desperate times call for desperate measures, right? Well, we’re pulling out all the stops and praying that the future gives us the opportunity to pay it forward.  Every cent, thought and prayer is a true blessing from above!

via FundRazr on Facebook.

A Cup Full Of Help…..for all

hands across eternity

hands across eternity (Photo credit: Leonard John Matthews)

Helpcup is a really interesting, and actually, really cool site I found while I was tooling around on the internet looking for resources one night.  How it works is that you open a free account and set up the whole profile thing- much like you did here.  Then you state your need, followed by what you can offer to others.  You can offer meals, companionship, prayers or whatever service you may specialize in.  You may or may not get you need met.  You may or may not be called upon to help another.  I just found it to be a really awesome way to ask for help WHILE having the opportunity to help others.  Clearly I’m not in a position to help financially, but I can do other things that I’m more than happy to do.  If you don’t check it out for our page, or even if you don’t need  help yourself, I highly recommend looking it over- maybe you’ll feel moved to help someone else out!

Our HelpCup.org Profile Page

via http://www.helpcup.org/GettingHome.

We need sooooo much help getting home that it is UNBELIEVABLE! You can read most of the story through our link, but just chalk it up to one of life’s super fun curve balls, move on, and keep praying, right?

If you aren’t able to help, or even if you are, please share our Helpcup page with as many people as you can….you never know whose hands it might fall into….God is always watching!

Thank you so much!!!!

Give Forward


Moving! (Photo credit: enigmabadger)

Forever searching for a way to take care of everyone when times get to be truely tough for my family, this is an oldtime friend I have fallen back on time and time again.  Give Forward is a Fundraising site where you post your story and publish it.  You can promote it any way you choose.  We have done it through Facebook, Twitter, local newspapers, snail mail, email and pretty much any way you can think of.  Those who cannot financially help can send “hugs” here where they offer prayers and encouragement, which can mean so much when you’re down and out.  Sometimes I browse this site and my heart just hurts for all those who have it so much worse than my family.  I pray for the day I can help people like that.


Raise Money For Medical Equipment To Support Brian and/or Emily Gwinn.

God Says “hahahahahaha”, Once Again

This Facebook page originated from a fundraiser I began over a year ago for my youngest son.

He was diagnosed with Gastropareses, Asthma and Oral Dysphagia and severe Reflux.  We traveled all over the country to get the right diagnoses, the right meds, the right therapies and the right treatment plan.  I really, really thought that once we had him squared away we were good.  But, hence the title- we make plans and God laughs.  Why can’t He throw money while He laughs? That way his sensory needs would be met and my financial needs would be met. I like it.

Anyways, I was closing this thing- which was then a Give Forward site. but people kept asking me where to send money.  So I started this thing through Facebook and Paypal.  I guess I’m glad I did because between everyone in this house and the fact that no one can work, not to mention we weren’t rich to start with…….kinda sucks.  But not always.  I have another son who has been in and out of many therapies since  he was 3.  He is now 10.  He asked that we send him where he can be helped and we did.  The whole family moved 200 miles cuz we love him. Can’t say we haven’t blown a ton on therapy stuff- but if it helps, it’s well worth it.

As we were moving hubby was diagnosed  with pretty much the worst MS you can get. His infusions are so much I can’t bring myself to type it.  Just one punch after the other, at least let us breath!

I just checked my yard again and I still don’t have that ding dang money tree I ordered. What can ya do?

At any rate- I think you can get to our Facebook link through here so if you get the chance to click on it and read the whole story- nothing on earth would make this mama more happy than seeing a few extra likes on there and FOR SURE  a few extra shares!



Sharing Your Kindness, Caring and Prayers

“My Family Is A Freak Show Without The Tent”

Freak Show

I was outside planting green things and organizing rocks, gardening some may call it (which I happen to hate, but its quiet so I do it), and it crossed my mind; if anyone were on the outside looking in, there is a darn good chance they would mistake our whole family for actors who were putting on one heck of a show.  The thing is- we’re not! This zoo is our life and it is so insane that even I have to do a double take sometimes!

I saw this sign once in a hospital gift shop, which you will totally get once you know me.  It said “My family is a freak show without a tent.”  Someone who has crossed the path of someone from my household wrote those words.  Sad, but true.  You’ll see.

I hope you’ll hop on our roller coaster and enjoy the ride.  We’ve learned a lot, we’re still learning.  We’ve screwed up a lot- we always will. We have good times and bad.  Things suck and then rock.  At the end of the day when the house is silent and the kiddos are sleeping- I look back carefully.  If that day had more ‘goods’ than ‘bads’, if everyone is still alive and more things than not are in tact then we have had a good day.  Every once in a long while I swear I REALLY hear God giggling at what we have done with what He has given us.  Funny.  Ha-ha. Can’t wait to see the humor the good Lord sees :-).